Police Department Gives Ultimatum to Federal Investigators in the Eric Garner Case


The New York Police Department, looking forward to the slowness of the federal government's civil rights investigation into the death of Eric Garner in July 2014, said Monday at the Department of Justice that he would soon initiate disciplinary proceedings against the police. The police department, acting one day before the fourth anniversary of Garner's death on Staten Island, said he would no longer suspend disciplinary proceedings if the Department of Justice had not been involved in the murder. announced on August 31 when he will file criminal charges.

"Naturally, members of the general public and the Garner family in particular became impatient with the fact that NYPD Lawrence Byrne, deputy commissioner for legal affairs of the department, said in a letter to the Department of Justice, that he has not proceeded to our disciplinary procedures and that he has difficulty understanding a decision to surrender to a federal criminal investigation that seems to have no end. Monday,

He added that "given the extraordinary time since the incident without final decision" on the federal inquiry, "any further delay in the advancement of our own disciplinary proceedings can no longer be justified. "[19659006] Disciplinary proceedings would involve officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was seen on a video of the viewer holding Mr Garner's neck while he was praying to breathe, as well as 39, a sergeant, Kizzy Adon is, who was one of the first supervisors on the scene. Sergeant Adonis has already been accused of failing to properly monitor his officers, according to a senior police official, who spoke under the guise of anonymity to discuss a personnel case. The disciplinary proceedings against her, however, paused, pending the federal investigation.

A grand jury of Staten Island refused to charge Constable Pantaleo on criminal charges.

Every anniversary of Mr. Garner's death brought anxiety. his family. Critics have challenged the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio to explain how, after so long, the officer seen on video trying to apply a strangulation to Mr. Garner, 43, does not make any sense. still had not faced discipline.

The department seemed interested in anticipating the inevitable questions that police officials and Mr. de Blasio faced each summer.

"No one is dragging their feet," said de Blasio on July 17, 2016, in response to a question about the process, which even then seemed unnecessarily delayed. "Everything is done meticulously because we want to make sure that what is happening is fair to all."

The mayor then stated, as he has often said since, that the police service was going to places its internal disciplinary process. the federal investigation has been completed. The administration of Blasio, in his letter, stated that she would not expect more …

A spokesman for the Department of Justice did not immediately return a request of comment.

The Department instituted disciplinary proceedings against Sergeant Adonis in January 2016 Officials stated at the time that they had to begin the process because of an 18-month prescription under the state civil service law.

The same time constraint did not apply to the Pantaleo agent due to one exception. there is a criminal investigation going on, the officials said; The internal investigation of the Police Department on Agent Pantaleo was completed more than two years ago.

If he is found guilty of misconduct during a departmental trial, he may be penalized, particularly because of a mandatory deportation. Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill has the last word on his fate

Agent Pantaleo's lawyer, Stuart London, declined to comment

Esaw Snipes, Garner's widow, said that he had been told the decision of the police department. She said she hoped this meant the near end of an "emotionally exhausting" experience that included the death last year of her daughter, Erica Garner, who had been actively protesting the death of his father.

"I'm kind" Mrs. Snipes, 50, said in an interview. "If anything happens, it's great, but I've lost hope a bit. It's been so long. It's been four years. "

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