Pope Francisco sends video message to youth participating in Caribbean Youth Days


"Are they young or old?" The question asked by Pope Francis in a video message to the participants of the Caribbean Youth Days, which takes place from 10 to 23 July in Martinique, in the Caribbean, on the theme "Young people are transforming the Caribbean family".

In his message, the Sovereign Pontiff thanked the young people for being committed to transforming families. "You can see that they have a claw and they want to fight, keep going."

"It's a tough subject, you're young, but I wonder: are you you young or young? Because they are young, they will not be able to do anything. They must be young "young", that is, "with all the strength of youth to transform," says the Pope.

Therefore, he says that "the first thing that they have to do is to see if they install "" because "they are installed, the thing is wrong, they have to uninstall those installed, and start fighting. "

" You want to transform, you want to postpone and have made your own the guidelines of the Post-Synodal Exhortation on the family to continue the family, to transform the Caribbean family. "Wear it today for tomorrow, that is, in the present for the future, and today you, to understand the present, must know how to describe it, how to understand it in order to face tomorrow ", he said.

In this sense, he encouraged them to study the fourth chapter of the exhortation titled "Love in Marriage" because "on the road from today to tomorrow, they need the doctrine on the family ". "There is the kernel, study it, see it and they will have the directions for progression, but today and tomorrow, we have yesterday.You can not look tomorrow without looking yesterday.You can not look the future without reflecting on the past. "

" You are preparing to transform something that was given to you by your elders.You receive the story of yesterday, you receive the traditions of the past. Yesterday, you have roots and on this point I want to stop a minute: you can do nothing in the present or in the future if you are not rooted in the past, in your history, in your culture, in your family, if you do not have rooted roots. "

Francisco said that" from the root you will have the strength to go forward. " We are not all made in the laboratory, we have this story, these roots, what we do, the fruits we give, the beauty we can do in the future, come from these roots. "

Thus, he recalled the poem of the poet Francisco Luis Bernárdez:" All that the tree has bloomed to him comes from what you buried. "" Look also to have roots, "invited the Pope, "look at your grandparents, look at your old people and talk to them, take them and carry them forward.Transformed, but there they will have the roots, the strength to transform the family.This is a tension transformative.It can not be transformed without tension. "

" I told you that the core of Amoris laetitia was the fourth chapter.How to live love How to live the love of the Tell us about the fourth chapter.There, they will have a lot of strength to go ahead and do the transformation.And do not forget one thing: that love has its own strength. Love has its own strength.And love never ends.Saint Paul says: "Faith and hope will end when we are already with the Lord, at the same time. Instead, love will continue with the Lord. & # 39; "

" You are transforming something that is for eternity. This own strength will remain forever. Cute little job that they did. Continue. May God bless you, I pray for you and please, do not forget to pray for me. Goodbye, "concluded the Holy Father.

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