Portland, Oregon, to clean up "disgusting" Occupy ICE camp, call it biohazard


Officials from the city of Portland, Oregon, claim that they will clean up the "disgusting" Occupy ICE camp after police cleared the protesters' area on Wednesday.

The mayor's office said that it would take some of the tab for cleaning, FOX 12 reported. Meanwhile, the Portland Police Office cordoned off the site, calling it a biohazard.

Activists set up camp near the local immigration and US customs office following the outcry sparked by the crackdown on illegal immigrants

protesters advocated the abolition of the "clandestine" agency, a goal that is increasingly being embraced by leading congressional Democrats, including the US Sensitization Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.


"It was pretty disgusting that it was like that that they lived there "says Frank Savage, a Portland resident who lives near the camp. Disgusting that's how they lived there. I'm tired of waking up with horn, sounds and curses. "

– Frank Savage, Portland, Oregon, reside near Occupy ICE camp

He said the area was crowded by protesters, but is now relieved that things will return to normal. "I'm tired of waking up to megaphone, noises and insults," he added.

Debris was removed Wednesday: wooden pallets, improvised toilets, books, toys, plastic containers , bottles of alcohol, tents and furniture.

Mayor Ted Wheeler publicly ordered the ICE occupation protesters to leave the camp on Monday, but they ignored the mayor's request [19659005] prompted the Portland police to intervene and clean up the demonstrators. "Most of the time, everything was done with very few incidents," said Chief of Police Danielle Outlaw,

It was the second time the authorities had intervened to disperse the demonstrations Portland, which has established camps. Last month, the Homeland Security Police had to evacuate activists occupying a building in the city to protest President Trump's zero tolerance policy with regard to immigration and the separation of children migrants from their parents

We heard protesters chanting "No racist police!" and some activists pointed to the officers and called them "Nazis".


The city makes sure that the contractors clean up the damage left by the activists. Efforts will also be helped by Multnomah County inmates, who will receive a credit for work and other financial incentives, the Sheriff's Office said.

The camp was set up on land owned by the city and TriMet, a public agency. responsible for the public transit system in the greater Portland area.

A TriMet representative said that he did not know why the demonstrators who opened the camp can not be held responsible for the costs associated with cleaning up the area.

"I can not answer that, I do not think there is a mechanism to pay back the cost," said the official at FOX 12.

The city has not yet estimating the total cost of cleaning.

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis .

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