PPK asked permission to leave the country for medical care | Policy


Former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, prevented from leaving the country for 18 months, asked the judiciary to allow him to travel to the United States to visit a clinic in that country.

Perú21 that the former president argued that he needs a complete cardiovascular and medical assessment at the Mayo Clinic in the state of Minnesota. The appointment would have been agreed

Now it will be Judge Juan Carlos Sánchez, of the Third National Court of Preparatory Investigation of the Anti-Corruption System, who will evaluate this claim at a later date. hearing which will take place today at 15:00.

Kuczynski, as is known, is being investigated by the public prosecutor for his apparent links with Odebrecht, a company that paid bribes in the country in exchange for awarding millionaire jobs.

Then Minister of the Economy, during the government of Alejandro Toledo ( 2001-2006), Mr. Kuczynski's company advised the Brazilian company for which she raised at least US $ 782,000. This information was provided to Odebrecht in Parliament.

In addition, according to a report by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), First Capital has received transfers of US $ 3 02 027,341 from Odebrecht between 2004 and 2017.

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