Pro-Palestinian militants protest in front of Kushner's house


Pro-Palestinian activists march to Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's home to protest the so-called peace plan in the Middle East.

The so-called "Middle East peace plan" for the Middle East, prepared by The White House has not yet been unearthed, but it is already rejected at all levels. The transcripts indicate that the Trump administration is trying to achieve the commitment of some Arab countries to invest millions in the Gaza Strip.

Reports suggest that the Trump administration plans to use its close relations with Qatar and Saudi Arabia to convince them of billions of dollars in Gaza, before announcing the plan to peace.

The peace plan has not yet been made public, but as the Palestinian authorities have done, activism says that the United States there can not be an honest broker, because of his biased actions with Israel.

Activists also protested violence perpetrated by Israel, which left more than 100 dead in the Gaza Strip.

In the eyes of Kushner's bodyguards, activists began to leave pictures with the faces of Palestinians killed by the Israeli regime, even during the opening of the US Embassy. in the Palestinian city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem)

The White House says it is waiting for the right moment to announce its peace plan.

Alfredo Miranda, Washington.

mhn / hnb

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