Profitability in Peru will attract investors



Peru can attract investment from private pension fund administrators (AFP) of the Pacific Alliance for infrastructure projects, assured the president of El Dorado Investments, Melvin Escudero. 19659003] He specified that these entities managed a portfolio of nearly 500 000 million dollars.

He said that Peru assumed the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, which should be used to specify the mechanisms of financial integration "These actions would allow the AFP of the four countries of the United States. invest also in Peru's infrastructure projects, "he said in the program" Mirada Económica de Andina Canal Online ".

He indicated that the country offers one of the best returns per dollar invested.


On the other hand, Escudero said that these capitals can be used to develop the reconstruction of infrastructure damaged by the latest phenomenon of El Niño Costero, which struck the north of the country.

In this regard, he emphasized the announcement made by President Martín Vizcarra, during his message from Fiestas Patrias, to speed up the reconstruction process: "They are consistent with what needs to be done because housing must be granted to those who need it AFP earnings

At the end of the first half of this year, the net profit of the four AFPs operating in Peru totaled 243 million. 049 soles., According to information published by the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and AFP (SBS).

Thus, the net profit of AFP increased by 8 million 295 979 soles in the first half of 2018 compared to the same period last year, which represented an advance of 3.52% in nominal terms, according to the regulator

The good results of investments have contributed to the profit of the AFP system during these first three months of the year. year.] [ad_2]
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