Pundits: Democrats need a new face to overthrow Donald Trump


Speculation that Hillary Clinton could play with a third oval office pass pushed up social media posters – and political observers predict that "Clinton's fatigue" will eventually drive her back to retirement

. President Trump and the locations for donations to his super PAC sparked the rumor, especially after a column in the New York Post last weekend.

But does she really have a chance in 2020?

"If we did a poll today, she would go to the top of the democratic field because of the recognition of the name," pollster John Zogby told The Herald last night. "But it's similar to Ted Kennedy and Gary Hart … they were known but it did not last."

Zogby said that Clinton had his weaknesses, especially in three key areas:

• His credibility never exceeded 37% this is not going to improve.

• President Trump beat her by leading an anti-establishment campaign.

• "Clinton's fatigue" combined with the #MeToo movement (targeting Bill Clinton) will further damage his chances.

Even some Democrats agree that it damaged property.

The energy in the Democratic Party is with younger candidates, "said Kevin Franck, a Democratic consultant and Herald contributor." It's probably best for her to step down and mentor a young candidate. "

US Senator Elizabeth Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont US Senator Bernie Sanders, former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, Oprah Winfrey, New Jersey US Senator Cory Booker, and US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, of New York, are all rivals of Trump by 2020.

Hillary Clinton should overtake them all.

"There was a collective chuckle of Republicans and Democrats. when that rumor broke out yesterday, "said Mike Dennehy of New Hampshire, a former campaign consultant for US Senator John McCain." The Clinton era is long gone. It is time to move on. "

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