Putin admitted that he wanted Trump's victory, but he denied having backed it


The Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted that he wanted the arrival of Donald Trump to the White House to improve the "battered" relationship between the two country, but denied any interference by the Kremlin in the elections that boosted him as president

The alleged Russian meddling in the US elections centered the press conference after the first summit of the two presidents which has been arranged without great agreements.

During this appearance, an American journalist directly asked Putin if he wanted Trump to win the 2016 presidential elections .

After again denying any interference in the electoral process of any country, Putin accepted and argued the current president of the United States. UU "I wanted to improve relations with Russia" .

In addition, he described as "silly" to say that the Kremlin had ordered Russian citizens to hack the computers of the Democratic Party to harm Hillary Clinton's campaign. supports the open investigation in the United States.

When Trump, during his election campaign, launched the proposal improve relations with Russia "many Russians sympathized with him, (…) but they do not represent the state Russian, "said Putin

" You have many people, including millionaires like ] George Soros who is everywhere, but his position is that of the US government? is the position of a private person, in which case the same thing happens, "he said. to another incisive question of American journalists

In any case, it is the justice that must determine whether there is or not interference, (…) "because it is n & # 39; There is not a single proof that proves it "and can not be allowed that the shadow of suspicion poisons the damaged relations of the two countries, the question of the Kremlin leader settles. (EFE)

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