Rafael Correa assured that "there is a whole plot" after the capture order | Fernando Balda | Ecuador | World


After a warrant arrest against the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa; for being the alleged intellectual author of the kidnapping to the former opposition MP of his country, Fernando Balda; This is what the exmandatario who currently resides in Brussels says.

Correa said that what is happening in Ecuador today is a "conspiracy" by the current government of Lenin Moreno, who began his presidential term last year.

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"There is a whole road map (…) There is a whole plot," said Correa in an interview made directly by AFP. Brussels

It should be noted that Correa hopes that Interpol will reject the red alert from the Ecuerdo government, since it is a "political" affair .

After taking note of the final decision, Correa received several messages of solidarity from former Latin American presidents and presidents, such as Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (former President of Brazil), Evo Morales (Bolivia).

Ecuador also sent protest notes to both countries and demanded "respect from neighboring governments" for the work of Ecuadorian justice, Foreign Minister Jose Valencia told Quito. illicit association and kidnapping of ex-deputy Fernando Balda. The ex-leader denies any involvement and regrets that they bind him "without any evidence."

"He is behind all this, of the judicialization of politics," said Correa, accusing Lenin Moreno and saying that he met Balda for jailing his former president Jorge Glas, who is sentenced to six years of prison for receiving a $ 13.5 million bribe from Odebrecht.

Judge Daniela Camacho ordered a "pre-trial detention" against Correa on Tuesday for failing to comply with the precautionary measure to appear periodically before the Court of Justice of Quito.

Correa claims to have followed the diligence by appearing at the Ecuadorian consulate in Belgium, as he did on May 24 when he testified before the prosecution and dismissed

After her, Correa was in the eyes of justice after a lawsuit brought by Fernando Balda, who accused him of kidnapping while he was at Col. ombia in 2012.

Balda was intercepted by five people who put her in a car, however, the Colombian police frustrated the abduction by stopping the car.

The ex-deputy was deported from Colombia at the request of Ecuador, who alleged that the former legislator was sentenced to two years in prison for insults. He then spent a year in prison for violating state security

. For Correa to be tried, he must be in Ecuador, because kidnapping is a crime for which Ecuadorian law prevents trial in absentia.

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