Raúl Ruidíaz: fan of extasiado after "The flea" celebrated with his flag


& # 39; The Pulga & # 39; scored his first goal with Seattle Sounders on Wednesday

The Peruvian striker Raul Ruidiaz scored his first goal on Wednesday with Seattle Sounders on MLS and unconsciously realized the dream of a fan in his celebration.

This is Joe Yncio Anton who could not believe that & # 39; La Pulga & # 39; ran to ask for his flag and celebrate his first goal in the MLS .

LEE TAMBI EN: Obliterate REUNIRE ÍA with this person to seek to convince him to renew Ricardo Gareca

"Hello, my name is Joe Yncio directly from San Francisco, California Thanks to Raúl Ruidíaz Thank you very much my brother for hoisting my flag during your celebration at MLS with Seattle Sounders Go Ruidíaz, let's go to Peru ", has declared the video in a video

The goal of Peru ended up giving the victory 1-0 to Seattle Sounders on San Jose Earthquakes.

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