Real Madrid ruled Cristiano Ronaldo's pass to Juventus


Message left surprised more than one

The world of football takes for granted the pass from Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus . It is even mentioned that the box 'bianconero & # 39; would pay about 100 million euros to take the form of the Portuguese, who prefers to start a new stage in his career.

In this regard, the Spanish program 'Play time & # 39; of the radio station COPE revealed a statement made by internal sources of Real Madrid regarding the alleged offer of the Italians.

"No offer has yet arrived from the Italian team or any other club" was the clear version of the members of the institution of Madrid. However, the proposal and the agreement would be formal in the coming days

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As the media also indicate, Juventus the following week was set as the limit for the last stage. For the moment, the technician Massimiliano Allegri has already telephoned with & # 39; CR7 & # 39; to explain his project Turin .

Finally, COPE stated that the figures in the transfer would have changed and now Real Madrid would no longer receive $ 100 million, but 130.

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