Remove the division's walls and build bridges of fraternity


The Pope to theologians: Removing the walls of the division and building bridges of fraternity

Vatican City (AICA): Without giving up prudence, we are called to recognize each sign and to mobilize all our energies To remove the walls of the division and build bridges of fraternity all over the world, Pope Francis wrote in a message sent on the occasion of the opening of the Third International Conference on Humanitarian Affairs. Theological Ethics that takes place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 26-29 and whose theme is A Critical Moment for Bridge Construction: Catholic Theological Ethics Today. Participants, more than 500 people from around the world will face issues such as climate change and migration.

On the occasion of the opening of the Third International Conference on Theological Ethics, held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from July 26 to 29, whose theme is Critical Moment for bridge construction: Catholic Theological Ethics Pope Francis has sent a message to more than 500 stakeholders worldwide who will be facing issues such as climate change and migration.

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet all those who take part in this third world conference on theological ethics that is taking place in Sarajevo, a city of great symbolic value for the journey of reconciliation and pacification after the horrors of A recent war The Pope wrote in the message signed on July 11 and read in English by Monsignor Luigi Pezzuto, apostolic nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which caused so much suffering to the people of this region.

Sarajevo is a city of bridges. Their meeting is inspired by this dominant motive which warns of the need to build in an environment of tension and division new ways of proximity between peoples, cultures, religions, visions of life and political orientations.

The theme of their meeting is a subject on which I drew attention: the need to build bridges and not walls. I repeat it with the hope that people, wherever they are, pay attention to this increasingly recognized need, even if sometimes it provokes resistance and forms of regression. Without giving up prudence, we are called to recognize every sign and to mobilize all our energies to remove the walls of the division and build bridges of fraternity all over the world.

Among the points of the meeting which aims to build bridges in a critical moment like ours, writes the Pope, you have given a central place to the challenge of ecology, because some of its aspects can create serious imbalances not only in terms of relationships between man and nature, but also between generations and people. This challenge, as can be deduced from the encyclical Laudato though, is not just one of many, but the broadest scenario for understanding ecological ethics and the Social ethics. For this reason, their concern for the issue of migrants and refugees is very serious and brings about a radical change in the thinking of things that can promote theoretical and theological reflection even before inspiring desirable pastoral attitudes and attitudes. responsible policies and policies. planned carefully.

In this complex and demanding scenario, Pope Francis emphasizes that people and institutions capable of assuming renewed leadership are needed. On the contrary, there is no need for bodies or cries that often remain empty or antagonistic to parties that face each other to conquer the scenario. We need leadership capable of helping to find and put into practice a fair way to live in this world and share a common destiny.

Compared to the way in which theological ethics can offer a specific contribution, continues the Pope, his proposal to create a network between peoples and different continents with different expressions and modalities that can be devoted to reflective thinking seems ubiquitous. in a theological key, in an effort to find effective resources. With such resources, necessary analyzes can be made and, more importantly, energies can be set in motion for compassionate practice and attentive to human situations, eager to accompany with merciful care. To create such a network, it is first and foremost urgent to build bridges between you, share ideas and programs and develop close programs. It is not necessary to say that this does not mean to bet on the uniformity of the points of view, but rather to seek sincerely and with good will a convergence of propositions, in a dialogic opening and in the discussion of the different prospects.

May the Holy Father be a help to you, a particular form of competence to which I have referred in the introduction to the recent Apostolic Exhortation Veritatis gaudium: citing the basic criteria of a renewal of ecclesiastical studies, stress the importance of a broader dialogue that can serve as a basis for an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary opening to theological and theological ethics. He also stressed the urgent need for institutions around the world to create networks to cultivate and promote ecclesiastical studies.

The Pope encourages all participants, men and women who work in the field of theological ethics, to be passionate about such a dialogue and to create networks. This approach can inspire analyzes that can be, at least, penetrating and attentive to the complexities of human reality. You will always learn better to be faithful to the word of God who challenges us in history to show our solidarity with the world that we have not been called to judge, but to offer new ways, to accompany travel, to support weaknesses. You have already had experience, for over ten years, of building bridges in your association. Their international meetings in Padua, in 2006 and in Trento, in 2010, their regional meetings in different continents and their different initiatives, publications, teaching activities have taught them a sharing style which, I hope, can encourage them to be successful for all the church. +

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