Repsol: Lot 57 Will Have Daily Output of 200 Million Cubic Feet of Natural Gas | Economy


Lot 57 will have a daily production of 200 million cubic feet of natural gas after investing $ 1,000 million in two wells in the Sagari field, located in Cusco, said Repsol President Antonio Brufau

In this way, Repsol culminates with the development of lot 57 after the completion of the construction and the commissioning of the Sagari field facilities and the compressor plant of Nuevo Mundo

. Repsol is the consortium operator with a 53.84% stake, which he shares with the Chinese company CNPC with 46.16%.

"The development of the Sagari field involved the drilling of two production wells, the preparation of the exploratory well and a well for the injection of drill cuttings.The construction of nearly 20 km of gas pipeline connecting Sagari Ax and Bx platforms, with the existing Kinteroni field, as well as all the production facilities of the two platforms ", detailed in a statement. 19659005] The compression plant, located on the New World Base, will compensate for the normal decomposition of gas well pressure in the fields of Kinteroni and Sagari, ensuring the productive plateau and the conditions of delivery as soon as possible. Repsol has been present on the Peruvian market for two decades, with hydrocarbon production accounting for about 12% of Peru's hydrocarbon production and some reserves of the order of 11% of those of Peru. country.

The Spanish capital company is one of the leading energy operators in Peru, where it holds rights over four oil lots, three of them in production phase. Operates block 57, which began production of natural gas and related liquids in March 2014 and is part of the Camisea consortium in charge of lots 88 and 56, in addition to block 103 in the exploration phase.

In addition, Repsol is the operator of the La Pampilla refinery, which will begin in September the commissioning of new low-sulfur gasoline production units.

In addition, it has a network of more than 531 service stations and participates in the lubricants, aviation fuel and bitumen markets, among others.


The presence of CNPC in Peru began in 1993 with its operations in Block VII / VI located in the Talara Basin, Piura. In order to expand its investments, it has acquired a 27% stake in Lot 8 in Trompeteros and Yanayacu, Loreto Department, Selva Norte.

Subsequently, in 2014, the company reaffirmed its presence by acquiring the assets of Lot X located at Talara Piura. In the Lower Urubamba region, Cusco Department, it acquired block 58 assets and a 46.16% stake in Block 57 in partnership with Repsol Exploración Perú.

Despite the situation of the last years in the hydrocarbons sector in the world since the end of 2014, CNPC has maintained its investments and increased its production.

Exploration, drilling and reconversion work developed from 2015 to today have contributed to the development of the oil industry in Peru.

Nationwide, CNPC represents 41.5% of oil production and 17.5% of liquid hydrocarbons in the country.

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