Reveal the audio between Trump and the lawyer talking about supposed payment to the porn actress


In the 2016 film, the Republican candidate of the time and now US President, Donald Trump, is heard talking with his lawyer Michael Cohen to buy the rights of the history of 39, a Playboy mannequin with whom the president had an affair.

The alleged payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels is one of the biggest scandals of the US President Donald Trump's government. AFP

The US television network CNN has released an exclusive audio in 2016 that the US President, and in this then Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump, is holding a conversation with his lawyer Michael Cohen on the payment of rights to a Playboy actress with whom he had an adventure years ago so that he does not count the history of their meeting.

In the material Cohen is heard telling Trump the plans to start a business and buy the rights from American Media, responsible for the publication of the National Enquirer tabloid. "I have to open a business to transfer all the information that our friend David has," says Cohen. For that, Trump answered "what financing". His lawyer says "we will have to pay", to which the president replies "pay in cash". The audio, however, is confusing, and it gives no certainty whether the agent accepts the payment or decides not to do so. You may be interested in: Stormy Daniels: The Striptease That TrPs Trump

According to the current defender of Trump and New York exaclald, Rudy Giuliani, the President has not paid, though recently He acknowledged that the conversation recorded and published today was legitimate. See also: Rudy Giuliani triggers controversy over Trump

This morning, Tuesday, July 24, prosecutors investigating Michael Cohen, a former Trump lawyer, claimed to have in their hands Twelve recordings seized by the FBI, according to court documents revealed Monday.

The twelve recordings include the aforementioned tape in which Cohen and Trump speak of a possible payment to a former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who claims to have

Of the remaining eleven conversations, the content is unknown, but local media reported that Trump did not appear directly in them, although it was cited by third parties, who have not been identified either.

The twelve tapes were turned over to prosecutors after Trump's defense waived the solicitor-client privilege to keep them secret. Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, said on Twitter that the tapes "speak for themselves".

Trump said this weekend that it is "unprecedented" and "maybe illegal" for Cohen to record at least one of I know your conversations. The recordings were seized by the FBI in the file he made last April at Cohen's office, on which he investigates for his involvement in payments for allegedly silencing various women during the House campaign. Blanche 2016. See here: Trump says it's "unprecedented" and "maybe illegal" for his lawyer to register

The investigation seeks to clarify whether payments violated campaign finance laws. Prior to the election, Cohen paid 130,000 – which Trump subsequently reimbursed – to porn actress Stormy Daniels for having a secret relationship with the current president in 2006, the same year he married his wife , Melania. 19659010] Although the Daniels case was the one that sparked the investigation, the FBI included during the search documents relating to two other women, including McDougal

The current Trump attorney , Rudolph Giuliani, confirmed the past Friday that the president speaks in the registration about the payment to McDougal, but defended that the transfer was finally not done, so the document is "an exculpatory test powerful".

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