Ricardo Gareca in Peru: Reinaldo Dos Santos and his future prediction of the tiger


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The future of Ricardo Gareca keeps on hold the supporters of the Peruvian national team, asking the Argentine coach to continue his process. Prior to that, Reinaldo Dos Santos was encouraged to predict whether the "Tiger" will remain in the position in the "Bicolor" or whether it will change tunes.

On Channel 4, Dos Santos predicted that Ricardo Gareca will decide not to accept the FPF's proposal to continue as coach of the Peruvian national team.

YOU CAN SEE The 7 Keys to the Continuity of Ricardo Gareca in the Peruvian National Team

In addition, the "Prophet" indicated that Gareca would not accept any possible proposal for the Argentina or another South American team. According to Dos Santos, the & # 39; Tiger & # 39; would stop at a team in Asia, in an offer that would give priority to the economic aspect.

It is important to note that Gareca asked Edwin Oviedo holder of the FPF, a moment of rest and reflection on the proposals that reach you.

DO NOT MISS IT "Ricardo Gareca stays!", The cry of the Peruvian fans that the & # 39; Tiger & # 39; does not leave the national team

It must be remembered that after the participation of the Peruvian team in the 2018 World Cup Russia also terminated the contract of Ricardo Gareca . For the moment, his future has been suspended.

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