Ricardo Gareca is a candidate to lead Mexico, assured the press of this country


Juan Carlos Osorio recently left the bench of & # 39; Tri & # 39;

A new selection joined the fight for the Argentine coach Ricardo Gareca who still does not respond so renewed with Peru. It is Mexico

Taking as its source its journalist Mauricio Ymay the program 'The Jugada'; reported via Twitter that the Tiger & # 39; is one of the candidates to lead the "Tri", a team that announced the departure of the Colombian Juan Carlos Osorio a few days ago

L & # 39; Argentinian Gerardo Martino and Portuguese André Villas-Boas are the other two candidates

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The data

Osorio, 56, was between 2015 and this year the Mexican coach with the greatest efficiency over the past 28 years, winning 33 games with 9 draws and 10 losses However, it was kept under fire by media critics and some colleagues who exaggerated their setbacks and downplayed their triumphs

The main reason for the attacks on the Colombian was the disagreement analysts with their habit of turning the holders in their queues.

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