Rodrigo González & # 39; peluchín & # 39; and Gigi Miter Sentenced to Jail for Melissa Loza's Humiliating Girl | Shows


They will have to comply with the court decision. The lawsuit that began the Peruvian model Melissa Loza against television directors Rodrigo González & # 39; Peluchin & # 39; and Gigi Miter has already received a response from the authorities.

According to information that the newspaper El Popular, the criminal judge of Lima Maria, has collected Contreras Gonzalez pronounced a sentence of one year imprisonment for "mini candy" and " candies of recontra "to the daughter of Melissa Loza .

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On the case it is pointed out that the accused by Melissa Loza committed an offense against the honor, the aggravated slander, against the daughter of the participant of & nbsp; Esto es Guerra & # 39; . These qualifiers were published as part of the "Love, love, love" program, published on March 24, 2016. The published report states that there was "moral prejudice and humiliation at the national level".

The report states that the magistrate of the 35th Criminal Court of Lima found responsibility for what was commented on the television channel broadcast by the Latina channel. "Peluchín" and Gigi Miter will have to comply with the rules of conduct, one of them being the modification of the address without the prior authorization of the judge in charge.

Latin drivers will be required to attend the Biometric Office of the Judiciary every 30 days to check the signatures. Gonzalez and Miter must not commit the same crime and must pay damages to Melissa Loza, mother of the injured minor. Latina's figures can not appeal to file the lawsuit.

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