Ronaldo says Neymar can win the Golden Ball and defeat Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo | World | Russia 2018 | Brazil vs Belgium | Sports


The historical figure of Ronaldo's world football has placed all his confidence in Neymar, one of the current promises of Brazil, to the point of claiming that it could exceed Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo ] considered the best players currently.

The world champion with Brazil in the years 1994 and 2002 highlighted the performance of "Ney". in Russia in 2018 unlike the other men in mention who have already been eliminated and announced that The 26-year-old Brazilian could claim the Golden Ball.

YOU CAN SEE Viral YouTube: A Mexican journalist imitates Neymar's mistakes and thousands of laughs [VIDEO]

"The Cup is very important, but in 2002 I did not play much during the season, but I did an excellent World Cup and I got the prize for the best player. "19659002" "Neymar improves a lot in the World Cup. He had a very good evolution in the decisive moments and improves. If Brazil wins the Cup, it can end the reign of Messi and Cristiano, "added Ronaldo who was present at the launch of the awards" The Best "of the FIFA, according to the portal The Third.

On the other hand, questioned about the avalanche of interrogations against Neymar for allegedly rigged exaggeratedly during the meeting with Mexico, the former Corinthians player rejected them On the contrary, he said that the front benefits from his mobility.

"He intelligently uses his mobility. He should be protected because he has great talent. Something similar has happened, which has suffered violent influxes several times, "he explained.

And left a message to the detractors of & # 39; Ney & # 39 ;. "Whoever loses, cries. And here, everyone will cry except one, "he concludes.

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