Rosángela Espinoza: That made the "warrior" during the musical Yahaira Plasencia on EEG


Rosángela Espinoza and Yahaira Plasencia meet on the set of & # 39; Esto es Guerra & # 39;

Rosángela Espinoza was the great absent at the musical comedy of Yahaira Plasencia in 'Esto es Guerra & # 39; . Because? The "selfie girl" refused to dance the popular salsa song with her teammates.

"I want to keep my distance, I have bar for boys, when I feel this bad energy, I prefer to block and be in my world," commented Rosángela .

MIRA TAMBI IN: Rosángela Espinoza was angry with Sheyla Rojas for showing her handsome?

In the last issue of & # 39; ] This is The War Sheyla Rojas tried Yahaira and Rosángela to confront each other in the game 'smack', but that's not it

"I was not going to accept it, because no. If he had the uniform of "challenger", normal, but he did not and he would not be advised for what has already happened, "said Rosángela .

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