Rudy Giuliani Stuns Fox News Hosts with Minutes of Trump Tower Meetings


Rudy Giuliani baffled Fox News hosts on Monday when he attempted to clarify the comments he had made on CNN earlier in the day on events related to the Russian investigation of Robert Mueller

Giuliani had already told Alisyn Camerota Trump was not present at the infamous Trump Tower meeting which was attended by Donald Trump Jr., a Russian agent and others in June 2016 – although the media did not say that Trump was there.

Media experts immediately asked why Giuliani's accusation that newspaper outlets had not even suggested in the first place. They wondered if Giuliani indirectly admitted that Trump knew the meeting in advance, what Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, had recently alleged and the Trump team repeatedly denied .

So Giuliani called Fox News & # 39; Outnumbered & # 39; explain his previous remarks. But his comments only blurred the timeline, as evidenced by confusing facial expressions from Fox News animators and repeated questions.

Several "Outnumbered" co-hosts, including Harris Faulkner and Melissa Francis, as well as Fox News The contributor Guy Benson has repeatedly asked Giuliani to guide them in all charges relating to meetings related to Russia.

"So, let me explain," Giuliani said in his first speech. "The day of the meeting with the Russians, said Cohen – now he has leaked it, so we are not even sure that he said it, anybody there. said through a reporter – he said that he was in the office of President Trump, Donald Trump Jr. came in and told him about the Russian meeting.It is categorically wrong. Is not produced. "

Giuliani later added:" Secondly, there was another meeting that was leaked but that has not yet been made public, "he said. pursued. "It was a meeting – an alleged meeting – three days before, according to Cohen … he says that there was a meeting with Donald Jr., with Jared Kushner, with Paul Manafort, with Gates and can -being two more, in which they – out of the presence of the president – discussed the meeting with the Russians … … This meeting never took place.This did not happen. Is a product of his imagination. "

Confused? You are not alone. Giuliani's clarification prompted a series of investigations from Fox News co-hosts.

"Why do you say the president was not at the meeting?" Francis asked. "Who asked if he was there? Nobody asked if he was there."

"Cohen alleges that the meeting took place," replied Giuliani. "We are saying clearly that the president was not at this meeting – Cohen does not even allege that."

But Francis kept on pressing him: "It's different to say that the meeting did not happen … but to say that it was not there implies that it happened. "

Giuliani laughed:" Oh no. As alleged by a liar – as claimed by Cohen. "

  Fox News" Melissa Francis reacts to Rudy Giuliani's explanation for stating that President Donald Trump was not at a meeting

Fox News

Fox News' Melissa Francis reacts to Rudy Giuliani's explanation for stating that President Donald Trump was not at a meeting that would never have occurred.

If Giuliani's goal in his "Outnumbered" interview was to hijack the Fox News coverage of alleged Russian meetings, he succeeded.

At the end of the 25-minute interview, Faulkner focused on Giuliani's statement that had secretly recorded what was to be an unofficial interview between Trump and CNN's Chris Cuomo. It is unclear how Cohen's alleged recording of Cuomo is relevant to Mueller's investigation – if at all.

"Wow, that's a lot of information," Faulkner said. "We appreciate you calling, and thank you very much for answering all our questions."

Giuliani interrupted: "I also understand the confusion, believe me, it's going to get more confused when these other bands start to come out, but finally, when everything is together, it means that the president has nothing do wrong. "

Look at Giuliani's complete interview on FoxNow's" Outnumbered "below.

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