Russia 2018 | Brazil loses player for rest of World Cup


He says goodbye to Russia 2018 . Brazil confirmed Thursday the loss due to injury to a member of his team for the rest of the World Cup. This is the defender Danilo who suffered a blow to the left ankle during training Thursday before the clash against Belgium.

The right-back debuted as a starter in Brazil against Switzerland, but a hip injury marginalized dual foals of Russia 2018 . When it seemed that he was fit to return to Belgium, the Manchester City player suffered a left ankle injury at the training on Thursday.

The Brazilian medical community has confirmed that Danilo's recovery will extend beyond the world's Copa, so he will not be able to play like that, Brazil will reach the tournament finals. His place will continue to be occupied by Fagner


Brazil will play this Friday against Belgium in the Kazan Arena for the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

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