Russia 2018: Croatian life denies that its harangue was a political statement


Croatian defender Domagoj Vida denied Sunday that the controversial video in which he shouts " Glory to Ukraine! " was a political statement after the Disciplinary Committee of FIFA will send you a penalty warning.

"I regret that some media representatives interpreted our message in this way, it was not a political message," said Vida in a statement issued by the Croatian federation.

Life, who played at Dinamo Kiev (2013-17), explained that the message that was posted on Facebook by a Ukrainian journalist, was "simply an expression of gratitude for the support of Ukraine where and (Ognjen) Vukojevic we played for many years. "

" We did not want to insult anyone, I'm happy to speak Russian, I like Russian hospitality at the World Cup and I'm 39 hope this message will be understood U "We will fight for your support, not in the match against Russia, but throughout the tournament."

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The Croatian Football Federation also issued a statement explaining that the video was a response to massive support received from Ukrainian fans.

At the same time, he recommended players from other football representatives Croatian ball that abstain from statements that can be misinterpreted and that are strictly against the interference of politics in the sport.

For its part, the Croatian ex-election, Igor Stimac, described as "silly like Smólov penalty" statements of Croatian players.

FIFA confirmed to Efe that "the Disciplinary Committee of FIFA sent a warning to the player Vie magoj because of his video statement after the 2018 FIFA World Cup between Russia and Croatia. "

In addition to the" Glory to Ukraine! ", Vukojevic said in the video:" This victory goes for Dinamo and for Ukraine. Go Croatia! "

The video, which lasts just ten seconds, caused a sensation in Russia, because the motto" Glory to Ukraine "is generally used by Ukrainian ultranationalists who oppose, among other things, The Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula

The decision not to sanction Vida felt bad for users of Russian social networks, as was the case when the Swiss players Shaquiri and Xhaka, both of them 39, Kosovar origin, made the symbol of the two-headed eagle on the Albanian flag after scoring goals against Serbia

The controversial leader of radical Russian fans, Alexandr Shpriguin, warned today that in the semifinals between Croatia and England in the stands of the Luzhnikí stadium there will be Serbian flags

"Serbian flags in the stands will disturb the Croatian side. But it is not something that is forbidden. Serbia is also participating in the World Cup, "he said. EFE

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