Russia 2018: Google translator breaks language barriers in the world | World


Football is perhaps the most universal language on the planet, but when it comes to deciphering the Cyrillic alphabet or communicating with the premises of World Russia 2018 the love of the ball is sometimes insufficient.

To overcome the barriers of the language Russia fans around the world actively use the translator of Google through their mobile phones. This saved them from searching the conversation guides or gesturing to ask for directions.

The application has proved indispensable for many fans when communicating with the inhabitants of the bars, restaurants and hotels of the 11 host cities. "It's very difficult to understand the Cyrillic alphabet," said Brazilian fan Gustavo, who traveled more than 12,000 kilometers from his home town of Pocos de Caldas to support his team in Kazan, where he faced Belgium in the quarterfinals. last Friday "Then we use Google all the time, it becomes easier," he added.

Some foreign fans write what they mean in Russian in their native language and show the translation to locals. Others use the voice feature of the application that allows them to speak virtually to people in other languages.

The Russians were also taken that way. "We were in a gift shop and the lady turned on her computer, she could write her words in Russian and then ask me to look at her screen to read the English translation," says Trisha, a Filipino tourist visiting Kazan.

Although the application can sometimes produce inaccuracies or rare translations, fans say that it has greatly improved their experience during the 2018 Russia .

"One of our friends wanted to tell a woman in a shop that Russian women were very beautiful," said Colombian Juan David Londono in Samara, where Colombia beat Senegal 1-0 in the group stage . "But when Google translated it he said," Older women are very beautiful. "

Some journalists have also used the tool to circumvent language restrictions imposed during press meetings with certain teams.

At a press conference with French star Antoine Griezmann, a journalist Spanish wanted to question him about his future in his club, Atlético de Madrid.

But press officers in France said that questions would be asked only in French, language that the He finally managed to get around the restriction by asking Google translator to reproduce his question in French

Griezmann laughed and started to answer in Spanish while the spokesperson of the French team said "next question". player to remain silent.

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