Russia 2018: Kalinic gave up his World Vice Champion medal | Trade | World


The Milan Striker Nikola Kalinic who was separated from the Croatian National Team after the first World Cup match of Russia 2018 at 2-5 0 against Nigeria, he waived the gold medal. It is recalled that the Croats lost 4-2 to France in the final

The footballer, who was a substitute, alleged lumbar problems to not enter the field and play the last five minutes of this duel.

see the situation, the Croatian coach Zlatko Dalic has sent him home with all the upcoming international competition.

Although not available, Kalinic still belonged to the team of 23 Croatian players and also He is a finalist

However, local media outlets such as "Sportske Novosti" claim that the center of the front decided to reject the price for not having played a minute in Russia 2018 . "Thanks for the medal, but I did not play in Russia," said the footballer.


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