Russia 2018: Local bets give Brazil a champion | Trade | Economy | Business


The fight for the gold trophy for the World Cup Russia 2018 was launched by 32 teams. After the group stage and, later, the round of 16, there are only eight teams left in the race today.

Sweden, Russia, Uruguay, Belgium, Croatia, England, France and Brazil will be in the quarter-finals of the world's largest football tournament and more a footballer has already bet on his favorite team.


According to the sports betting room Brazil is the big favorite of the public. This is the product of the good performance of the Neymar team in its games played.

However, he will first have to defeat Belgium in the quarterfinals, then he will have to face the winner of the key between ] France and Uruguay ] if you want to secure your ticket for the grand finale. Both matches will be played this Friday, July 6th.

"Up to now, 84.08% of bets on the option" World Champion "are in favor of Brazil.With a 3.75 rating, the Neymar team is also the favorite of bookmakers [para el partido contra Bélgica] .C is a highly solvent team in defense and attack.It is also five times champion of the World Cup, with which the statistics are very favorable to him, "explains Walter Cortés commercial director of


After the South American team, France and England complete the list of public favorites, with respectively 4.28% and 4.11% of bets. Both selections have a quota of 5 on the bet made.

Meanwhile, the selection of Croatia could become the big surprise of the World Cup, since the statistics point to reach, at least, the semi-finals of the tournament. Currently, the team of Luka Modric pays a fee of 6.50 in case of being crowned 2018 Russian Champion, but he only received 0.71% of the bets in favor.

"Close this list Belgium with 7 chances on the bet, Uruguay with 17 chances, Russia with a factor of 21 and Sweden with a score of 26. Among these four selections, they add barely 6.81% of the total bets so far, although the big The lesson of this World Cup is that anything can happen, "concludes the specialist at

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