Russia 2018: Luka Modric could go to jail for five years after the World Cup final | World


Crack in trouble. Modric aims to win the Russia 2018 Gold Ball after the major football protests that he gave in the World Cup. Why not also think that this can happen to Cristiano in the Golden Ball for the better of the season if Croatia wins the finals to France this Sunday in the grand finale?

Well, things could get the ant color for Luka Modric after World Russia 2018 . Everything for the Mamic case, where the Balkan crack would have given false testimony in one of the biggest cases of corruption of Croatian football.

Sometimes Modric is accused of illegally receiving the 50th percent of your transfer from Dinamo Zagreb to Tottenham. This was planned by the former president of the football federation of this country, Zdravko Mamic.

The former leader has already been sentenced to six years in prison and the Real Madrid flaw could suffer the same fate. He testified in 2017 in court that he had not read the documents that he had signed at the time. He stated this in front of the Office of the Fight Against Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK).

However, in the Croatian national team, they believe in the innocence of Luka Modric . They even sent a statement in which they "are deeply convinced of the credibility of their testimony in the court of Osijek". Will there be a happy ending for him, whether or not he wins the World Cup?

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