Russia 2018: Mick Jagger celebrated England's goal against Croatia, but his team lost | Trade | TV | Farándula


Mick Jagger the leader of the British Rolling Stones, is passionate about music, but also football, especially when his team plays. In a video that he shared on Instagram he is seen encouraging and celebrating England's goal against Croatia for the pass to the World Cup Final Russia 2018 .

A day earlier, the septuagenarian rocker was present in St Petersburg Stadium for the game played by teams from France and Belgium

Mick Jagge r is famous for an urban legend that he ensures that he's supposedly giving bad luck to the teams he's encouraging. 19659004] The myth began in South Africa in 2010, when, in the eighth round of this tournament, Mick Jagger opted for the United States, but lost 1 to 0.

In this same cut, the singer supported in England, Argentina and Brazil. The three countries lost to their rivals.

In Brazil 2014, the bad series of teams supported by Mick Jagger continued. For this reason, even the rocker, whose son Lucas is Brazilian, asked not to blame him for the score that Scratch suffered against Germany.

"I can take responsibility for the first goal scored by Germany, said a Jagger joker this time.

England's match against Croatia ended with 2 against 1 in favor of Croats Could it be that the fall of Mick Jagger played against his team once more?

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