Russia 2018: The President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, gave a shirt to Vladimir Putin | Trade | World | News


The president of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday at the Kremlin and saluted the organizing country of the World Cup.

"This championship has really been an example for everyone," said the president, who gave him a shirt with the number 9 and surname "Putin" to his Russian counterpart. They avoided any form of mishap, any form of expression that could have been considered intolerant, "he added.

After the final of the 2018 World Cup, Kolinda is not a foreign name The President of Croatia has encouraged his selection from the very beginning and even traveled to Russia on a commercial flight and not under his presidential rights.

By video message, recorded from a plane before the match final and published On Facebook, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović spoke briefly in Russian

"You are wonderful hosts. Support Croatia today. Let's be happy together, "said Grabar-Kitarovich, dressed in the red and white colors of his country, and then started singing" Croatia! "

Vladimir Putin hailed the match of the World Cup final 2018 Sunday, which he described as "marvelous."

Putin participated in the meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and the Croatian President

Croatian political and sports leaders tried to change relations with Russia, which they eliminated in the quarterfinals.

Many Russians in social networks were furious after this match, as Croatian defender Domagoj Vida praised the Neighboring Ukraine through a video posted online

Vida is excused for any offense, saying that he only wanted to rent several friends that he has in Ukraine, without aggravating the tension between countries and Russia

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