Russia 2018: Why do some consider the best World Cup in history? | Trade | World


This is an adjective that accompanies both a question and an affirmation around the world: it was the best world cup of all time. "

It's no secret that this edition of the biggest football event on the planet is not one of those who were expected with more eagerness for a lot of reasons, but precisely that could be one of the factors that played in their favor.

Because since the beginning of Russia with a spectacular victory over Saudi Arabia In the inaugural match, the World Cup was marked by surprises, dramas and emotions

The group stage, the playoff and the grand final offered sublime moments that will be preserved in the memory of the fans. It also takes on a new dimension because in a world like football with a busy schedule of games, it's the scarcity with which the World Cup is played (every four years) that makes the eo get a cultural fascination which clearly exceeds the best quality t game technique that is appreciated in the field of clubs.

Where specific ingredients that automatically contribute to make a World Cup a memorable moment.

This is what happened with Russia in 2018, as can be seen in the following statistics.

There must be drama
Unlike a football season, which lasts an average of ten months, in the World Cup there is no time for a slow narrative with which l & # 39; waiting is allowed to increase.

It takes moments of impact and dramatic results from the first moment.

And in Russia it's what happened, when on the second day and Portugal offered a great match that ended in a goal tying three goals thanks to the free kick from Cristiano Ronaldo just minutes from the end of the game.

José María Giménez gave Uruguay the win over Egypt in the 89th minute and Iran won a dying victory against Morocco in 95.

A total of nine goals gave the victory (in addition to the other four that served to avoid defeat) at the last minute or during the rebate period

This is the largest amount recorded in all history and only one less than in the previous five world celebrated between 1998 and 2014.

Surprises, but not too much

This is a delicate formula

If many of the so-called big football countries are eliminated from the tournament soon, there is a kind of dim nution of the interest of fans, as was the case in 2002, but it is not good to see the favorites reach the decisive stages without problems

That's why the l & # 39; elimination of Germany in the group stage, followed by Argentina and Spain in the round of 16 and Brazil in which artos, was more or less the ideal

The The case of the Germans was particularly special because it can be considered just as ineffective and unhappy.

His total of 72 shots on goal was only exceeded by five of the 32 countries during the World Cup, four of which played four more games than Joachim Löw's team.

Birth of a superstar

The great doubt before Russia 2018 was who would complete his majestic races with the title of world champion: Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi.

The Portuguese started explosively with a hat-trick of goals against Spain, but after scoring against Morocco its impact eventually faded

the case of Messi, whose contribution was a lone goal in the crucial victory over Nigeria that allowed Argentina to overcome the group stage.

It is incredible that despite extraordinary numbers of goals scored by both, none of them could have scored in a World Cup eliminator despite having participated in the World Cup. four tournaments.

The throne was supposed to be inherited by Neymar, who finished as a player with more shots on goal and the second

But the Brazilian was more news for his exaggerated falls than for his play.

This allowed the appearance of the figure of Kylian Mbappé, who was dedicated after scoring two goals in Argentina in the eighth. of end and became the first player under 20 to score in a World Cup final since Pelé did it in 1958.

Discussion Point

If in 1966 they were talking about the dog who found the trophy, in 2010 vuvuzuelas and four years ago of the goal technology, in addition to the spray foam that disappeared in the field, in 2018 the topic of discussion was the videoarbitration system, the famous VAR .

Its impact was evident in the considerable increase in the number of penalties indicated, reaching a historic record of 22 goals in the same World Cup.

This may have also contributed to the fact that a single scoreless match was recorded throughout the tournament, the lowest number in a Cup

Another statistic in which the VAR could have influenced was the percentage High goals scored in fixed points, whether it's a penalty shot, free throws or a corner kick.

The 169 goals that were, 43% were scored this way (the biggest number since 1966), which shows that in the football selections is working more and more in this type of strategy plays during training.

all these figures should be added to the triumphal march of France, to the fairy tale featuring Croatia, to the offensive power of Belgium or to the claw shown by Uruguay.

Not to mention the party that lives in the stands, especially swollen countries of Latin America.


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