Russian Intel accused of hacking Dems, Clinton to disrupt elections


Receive last minute alerts and special reports. Twelve Russian intelligence agents were indicted in connection with the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign and the release of stolen emails through Guccifer 2.0 and DC Leaks. The defendants – two of whom were also accused of orchestrating attacks against state electoral systems – used spearphishing techniques to steal user names, passwords and emails and paid for the crime. Operation with the charge brought by the special advocate Robert Mueller and announced by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein comes at a delicate diplomatic time – just days before the first official meeting between the President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Rosenstein stated that he had informed Trump about the allegations "The purpose of the conspiracy was to have an impact on the election," said Rosenstein, adding that the act charge does not allege the truth. Russian leadership changed the number of votes or the result of the 2016 elections that placed Trump in the White House.

Mueller, who investigated the Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possible collusion by the Trump campaign for more than a year 12 defendants are members of the GRU, intelligence agency Russian military.

They allegedly used fake identities and fake accounts to deceive volunteers and employees of Clinton's 2016 campaign and gain access to the user names and passwords they use to steal their emails.

They also allegedly hacked the networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee.

T It's a revolutionary story, come back for updates.

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