Salta's religious leaders approve of organ donation to be "an act of love"


After last Wednesday, both chambers unanimously approved the "Justina Law" – by which all inhabitants of the Argentine soil over the age of 18 become organ donors, except for their They express their opposition in writing. , began to transcend that 70,003 people of Salta had already left the figure of "presumed donor", invented in the law of 2006. It is over, even when they just start running the 90 days necessary for the rule to be regulated, from the Cucai Salta to El Tribuno that in recent days many people have come to the body to express their refusal to be donors, so this figure would increase.

The National Report of Expressions of Will for the Donation Report stated that 1,058,578 people would not donate their organs throughout the country and that Salta ranks fourth among the provinces where the number of refusals is the highest. high, behind Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Santa Fe.

While various sectors of society analyze the objections and prove the arguments under the legal, medical and legal aspects of organ donation and transplantation, The voice of religious leaders in Salta is unanimous. "The church accepts organ donation in a twofold sense: the gift of a donor living to another patient can only be done with the conscious consent of the one who offers it to save the life of another person, if the physical or psychological dangers and risks to the donor are provided to the property that is sought in the recipient, according to Catechism 2296, or in case of irreversible brain death of the donor, practicing the removal of organs for transplantation "," instructed this medium Father Dante Bernacki, a reference of the Catholic Church.He added that the one who referred expressly to the subject was Saint John Paul II, in a speech delivered on the occasion of the XVIII International Society of Transplants Congress. "He said that it was" the decision to offer, without reward, a part of his own body for health and good -being of another person ". Then he goes through a decision of love of the next. Give life to the beloved and it is the manifestation of the highest degree of love, just as Jesus did with us on the cross, "Bernacki explained. the encyclical "Evangelium vitae", also from the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church. "He declared that one of the ways to promote a true culture of life" is the gift of "the gift of life". organs, in an ethically acceptable way, that allows some patients, often without hope of healing, to find new perspectives of health and life. "In short, this attitude has to do with the truth evangelical to "give his life for his brother", even more with the advancement of medical science, which ensures the efficiency and optimization of the quality of life of those who receive a body of a cadaveric donor, "he said, while recommending to treat the question of the removal of organs as a family, because" not only do nneur is involved, but his family environment, this attitude heroic and absolutely altruistic.

On the other hand, Reverend Hugo Vergara, representative of the Anglican Church of Salta and a physician by profession, said that "as a Christian of an evangelical Protestant community, I can not and must not maintain objections against the removal and transplantation of organs. He also said that Paul of Tarsus in the New Testament "refers to the body as something temporary, which we should take care of, not like some cultures that had a contradiction between denigrating or deifying it." "In the first case (I Corinthians 5):" In care it belongs to God and we must honor God with our body. But in II Corinthians 5: 1-5 speaks of temporality and this body will disappear to be clothed with the heavenly, so what better way to give life to our body to those who do not. an act of sacrificial love, "defines Vergara, for whom, furthermore," we must strip ourselves of the mysticism that the soul or spirit is transferred to others. "To not be so extensive, Jesus says that there is no greater love than that of giving one's life for a friend (John 15:13), or perhaps to someone as he or she does. gave. "Finally, Guillermo González Anderson, pastor of the Church of the Center, belonging to the Evangelical Assembly of God in Salta, stressed that" all that is within our reach to save a life deserves our consideration and support, as long as this action does not harm or harm another person's life. "Then he introduced to the debate a non-minor problem. "We consider that the life of the human being is valuable from the moment of its conception, and we know that in certain types of transplants, the stem cells intervene." For this reason, our question to be solved would be Where these stem cells are obtained, "he objected. In any case, it has ratified its favorable position to the removal of organs, "as long as it is a voluntary donor and do not enter a marketing chain and clandestine trafficking of organs.If these transplants involve the instrumental use of human embryos and if postnatal children are used, this would be clearly immoral.As St. Paul says in his Letter to Philippians 4 : 8: "For the rest, brethren, all that is true, all that is honest, all that is right, all that is pure, all that is agreeable, all that is of good repute is true. there is a virtue, if there is anything worthy of praise, in this thought. "

The Vision of Judaism

License Andrea Kohan, Director of Hebrew School Hatikva, of the Alliance Alliance Israelite of SS MM, said that "one of the actions that keeps the practice of Judaism alive in t that way of life is the possibility of finding answers in the sources for these dilemmas of the current daily life ". In connection with the "Justina Law", he stressed that he asked them to establish a position to understand and share in the community. "In the book of Vaikrá 19:16 (Leviticus) it is said:" Do not remain impassive in front of your neighbor's blood, "adds the famous commentator Rashi," Do not look at his death when you can save him. " last chance to perform a good action (mitzvah) is before you die, allowing through the science of the parts of our body to save other lives, "said Kohan, from the consideration of the body" as a sacred place where he lives the soul and as our cycle completed, he returns to God and the physical part to the earth, from where he was originally created. "

He then pointed out that "in the Mishnah, Sanhedrin 4: 5." He who saves a life is like he saved a whole world. It is understood that the donation of an organ not only saves the lives of those who need it, but also of all their offspring and all the good that they could do themselves for the sake of life. humanity. Therefore, our fundamental position is that the rabbinic principle of Pikuaj Nefesh, which means "save a life", prevails and displaces any objection that can be expressed in this sense.

Finally, he mentioned that they interpret that they honor an "obligation, like the Jews, to be lovable until the last moment of our life." This principle of mercy, called Hesed, applies especially in this case, since we can not thank the deceased for this final action, but God will know when he receives his soul, and we will know who continues in this life, as example and guide sanctify, thank and give meaning to our daily existence. "

" Islam gives priority to life in every way "

Suleiman Geddes, considering three sources: the Koran, the prophetic traditions and the consensus of the wise who rule according to Islamic jurisprudence, highlighted three points in relation to the "Justina law." "Life is a priority in every way. The donation of organs must be a voluntary act of the person who donates it and must not endanger the life of the donor or compromise his quality of life. In the case of a deceased person, he must have expressed his willingness to do so. In addition, all types of organ trading are prohibited. The donation circuit must be expressly established not only in accordance with the legal norms of Islam, but also of the country, "said the representative of the first mosque that opened in Salta in 2013. He also mentioned that There were shortcomings in Argentina legal issues that emerge on every occasion and that affect the interests of human life and that disrupt the Muslim community. "Here there is no law against the sale of & dquo; Organs and the same thing happens with adoptions. If someone goes to Misiones with 10 thousand dollars, they can probably buy a baby, too bad. Islam is against these irregular situations, because there is no gray in the middle: either it is legal or it is illegal, "he said. He also stressed that he believes in the support and accompaniment that all the faithful should receive from their churches. "Our country is not prepared for serious containment in all these cases, as in the case of the Netherlands, where all religious denominations have psychologists working for the state and who are the spiritual link when a person demands restraint "

. ] Jehovah's Witnesses

Witness assistance presents a dilemma to the physician, dedicated to the preservation of life and health through all available techniques. Controls do not accept blood, red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets during homologous or autologous transfusions. They usually take legal action to exempt medical staff from civil liability for the discharge of blood.

According to Alcer Magazine, organ donation should not be governed by religious precepts but by their own conscience, unless the resulting transplant implicitly involves the transfer of blood from one body to another. another. Thus, the donation of organs like the cornea is never a problem for the donor or the receiver of Jehovah. Yes the marrow and kidney donation only in the case where it is made by a living being. Jehovah's Witness is able to give kidneys after his death or to receive them from a deceased, but becomes vigilant when it comes to doing so among living beings, even from parents to children.

The first transplant without blood transfusion was performed at the Italian hospital in the federal capital in 2001. Last month at the Rosario Private Hospital (HPR), the first transplant without blood transfusion was performed on a Jehovah of Salta witness who had fulminant hepatitis.


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