Samahara Lobatón, daughter of Melissa Klug, adventure as a businesswoman at age 16 | Combat | PICTURES | Shows


Melissa Klug's daughters do not stop to surprise us and now one of them follows in her mother's footsteps and adventure in a related business project to the world of fashion

Samahara Lobatón Klug used his Instagram account to inform his followers that he will open his own line of clothing under the name "Killa by Samahara Lobaton", aimed at a young audience.

16-year-old Samahara Lobatón Klug was in charge of publishing various videos of the photographic session that she did to promote her clothing line, where her younger sister is the model.

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If we review her Instagram albums, Samahara how big is his line of clothing, which includes pants, overalls, seasonal polo shirts and palazos.

Remember that Samahara Lobatón Klug has just ended his relationship with Jean Paul Caipo, member of "Combat", an ATV reality show. 19659002] This romance did not end in the best way because Samahara said that he felt used by his ex-partner to make himself known in the entertainment world.

"I can not believe that he shared eight months with Jean Paul and that he does not know him today and that he only wants five minutes of camera, where was the love that he said he felt for me? " asked the old 'fighter & # 39;

 Melissa Klug

 Melissa Klug

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