Sampaoli remains in the Argentine national team


09 July 2018 22h00.

The Argentine Football Association ( AFA ), through a statement, confirms the continuity of the technical director of "Albiceleste", Jorge Sampaoli, to his post, at the less for

Jorge Sampaoli will currently be in charge of directing Argentina's under-20s in a tournament in Valencia at the end of July, prior to the dismissal of Sebastián Beccacece.

The coach met in Buenos Aires with Claudio Tapia, president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA) and with Vice President Daniel Angelici that he would have convinced to stay in power .

Sampaoli persuaded the leaders that he is able to make a competitive team before the Copa America 2019 to be played in Brazil. For the moment, it has been decided to take the lead of the U-20 tournament at the Alcúdia tournament.

The president of AFA and Angelici, present at the meeting, decided to wait a few days to consult the final decision with the executive committee, according to TyC

Sports. This organization meets once a month, but due to some issues, many members can not attend the next meeting. For this reason, they will wait until there are more members to assess the situation.

According to the media of this country, the lack of candidates was the key to the decision, because to date, the leaders had not yet spoken to anyone and the options did not convinced.

Although AFA reported that the meeting with executives was informative, the Argentine press reported that with this renewal they will avoid paying a termination clause

] $ 8 million. 19659004]

However, it would not be necessary to wait until the end of the next World Cup to disengage from Jorge Sampaoli because they are waiting the Copa America in 2019, it will be reduced by that time. the amount to only one and a half million dollars according to information from the newspaper Clarín

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