Samsung has ended a dispute with sick workers


After more than a decade, Samsung Electronics has entered into a legal dispute with workers with cancer and other diseases in the semiconductor factory of the company.

"We sincerely apologize to the sick workers and their families," said a senior executive.

The scandal erupted in 2007 with the death of a 22-year-old girl with leukemia. It was discovered that 240 people had contracted the disease by working on memory cards and corporate screens.

About 80 of them died.

Affected people and their families would receive around 116,000 euros through an agreement covering 16 types of cancer, rare diseases, abortions and congenital diseases affecting children of workers.

Hwang Sang-gi, representing relatives of the victims, stressed: "No excuse will be enough to compensate for all the insults, the pain related to occupational diseases and the loss of a family member".

The brand is covered by the trade secret so as not to reveal the chemicals used or their link to diseases.

Samsung is responsible for 20% of South Korea's gross domestic product and has contributed significantly to making it the 11th largest market in the world.

The company has played a leading role in other controversies, such as the bribe of former President Park Geun-hye who generated the heir to the throne, Lee Jay-yon, passed by. one year in prison.

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