San Bartolo (Theater): The Sodalicio affair and what we did not want to see


The case of abuse, sexual and physical, committed in the society of apostolic life (authorized by the Vatican) Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana is a subject that just by reading a few pages of half-monks, half-soldiers of Pedro Salinas (ex sodalite) and Paola Ugaz or some of the opinion columns of Martin Scheuch (another journalist who has crossed the Sodalicio) in his blog The Twisted Lines, is enough to feel obliged to say something, d & # 39; to protest the crimes inflicted on young people who were looking for a life option and instead: they defeated their dignity. Now we have a different reference, the play of San Bartolo, which presents until August 20 the Teatro La Plaza de Larcomar.

In this blog, to clarify who writes and signs the columns and comments, it takes me first and last name, we have already dealt with the Sodalicio affair, we even joined the voices that called for the closure of this pastoral entity (led for more than 40 years, from its 46 years of existence, by its founder Luis Fernando Figari, today an undeserved freedom to Rome – in the vicinity of the Holy See), as well as the dissemination of this case in the audiovisual media. The cinema is not the most massive cinema (where films like the Mexican Obediencia Perfecta / on the case of the Legionaries of Christ of Father Marcial Maciel or the Chilean El Bosque of Karadima / and the abuses of Father Fernando Karadima to However, the theatrical movement in Lima makes San Bartolo a powerful spokesman for the whole affair.

Before talking about the staging itself, I wanted to refer to the title from my column "what we did not want to see." Like many Catholic compatriots, I had a follow-up and religious work experience during my youth and part of my adolescence (I started to 17 years old) which is very different from what we already know in the Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana.Although we have no idea of ​​the events in the entity mentioned, I remember that it was considered as an elitist institution very similar to another Spanish roots. Today, in the light of the facts and with another brick in this building of truth like the work of San Bartolo, I still wonder, where was I that I never imagined anything of As obvious as the sexual, physical and psychological abuse in places that you are missing from your family and society? And, if I had little to do about it, I feel guilty, I could not even imagine the guilt of a Catholic Church that hosted this "society of Christian life" with, even, the Papal approval.

I could not stop seeing San Bartolo, and I do not need to write this column of opinion. A group of young actors, I mention them all Sergio Gjurinovic, Gabriel Gonzalez, Italo Maldonado, Juan Carlos Pastor, Claret Quea, Diego Carlos Seyfarth, Stefano Tosso and Nicolás Valdés, because in some occasions the casting is of characteristics of group, not There is one character for each performer, but they are personified in groups. It is a valuable, interesting and agile theatrical effect, I must also say that for some purposes, it can not avoid distracting certain sectors of the public. In this aspect, the histrionic resource (which I imagine seeks to present the victims of Sodalicio as a collective and to distribute the strength of the situations) must be balanced with the transmission of the message. In the end, it's a license of writers and directors Alejandro Clavier and Claudia Tangoa who portray this intense human drama on the boards.

Is San Bartolo too strong for a general public? Well, from the decision to bring this story to the theatrical scene, it is clear that it would be absurd to play it lightly, it's a strong theme that deserves treatment idem. And, there are some complicated scenes to look at, but in the current art (the one that we consume without too much trauma to film and contemporary television), it's not out of About. In addition, it was absurd to mount this work and try to hide the monster under the carpet. In any case, a recognition to this group of young actors, playwrights, who dare to be energetic and portray the testimonies of the victims.

Those of us who read Half Moines and Half Soldiers, and we want to be petrified before the reality narrated and compiled by the journalists Pedro Salinas and Paola Ugaz, we can talk about important absences in the script . Figari's, his abuses, hardly and they are mentioned. The most salient case (and with justice, since it is a multiviolator) is that of Jeffery Daniels Valderrama, where gravitates the weight of the testimony of Álvaro Urbina. However, Germán Doig Klinge, who has been accused of sexual abuse of his position as Vicar General Sodalicio and General Coordinator of the Christian Life Movement, who had already died and before the scandal sought his canonization (today denounced intention for sodalites despite several tests in this regard). Or Daniel Beltrán Murguía, a sodalite detained in a hostel in downtown Lima, photographing a 12-year-old boy half-naked. Or again the case of the Brazilian seminarian Joao Carlos Junior, who is probably drowned by the physical rigor suffered by the members of the institution questioned (the death occurred on the beach of Santa María del Mar and not in San Bartolo). But the truth is that one piece can not do everything and ellipses must be taken up by another production, whether it be theatrical, cinematographic, television or literary.

As precious as the San Bartolo Theater is, we can not close this chapter which is still far from finding justice. We must continue with this subject, go to work, read Half Halfks Half Soldiers, discuss and report on this case, protest and make known our opinion before the Sodality of the Christian life. Before I asked what we were doing at that time, we did not know what was happening in this society of apostolic life? We do not have to wonder in a moment What were we doing when this abuse required a remedy, a sanction, an exemplary corrective action?

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