San Miguel: Municipality invested S / 20 thousand in the statues of Guerrero and Gareca | Photo 1 of 7 | Lima


Before the controversy over the statues of Paolo Guerrero and Ricardo Gareca in the Argentine park, the head of the image of the municipality of San Miguel Vivian Navarro, assured that the monument is a tribute to the Peruvian team and that a bad investment is not made.

"The installation of the monument of Ricardo Gareca and Paolo Guerrero is part of a tribute because represent the axes that led us to a Cup of World after 36. Then it's a request that worked closely with the neighbors. They considered it appropriate to highlight the theme of sport, beyond two numbers "] declared Navarro to Peru21 .

Similarly, the representative of the municipality of San Miguel added that all the works are fulfilled and not there is mismanagement of the money

"We understand the comments of the neighbors, but all programmed work is being executed. The lanes are under construction, the ornament is well taken care of, safe we ​​have a 85% reduction of the l & # 39; There is no oblivion in the district, so you can not misinterpret the investment money " he said .

For the construction of the sculptures, the Municipality of San Miguel invested S / 20 thousand. This Friday will be the inauguration of the statues of Ricardo Gareca and Paolo Guerrero . [ad_2]
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