Santo Domingo Coast, with waves of garbage (Video)


CITY OF MEXICO.- A video published Tuesday on the official Instagram account of the NGO Sustaniable Hawaii Coastlines shows the very high level of pollution suffered by a maritime area of ​​Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), in which a layer of plastic waste barely allows to see the surface of the water.

Greenpeace estimates that we dumped in the oceans eight million tons of garbage a year which cause the death of more than one million birds and hundreds of thousands of turtles and of mammals, reports information portal RT

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If there is no The radical changes in global consumption patterns predicts that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.

Latin America and the Caribbean, in particular, still constitute one of the world's most biodiverse regions. with 16 million square kilometers of sea and a contribution to the world's fishing of 24%.

In just 24 hours, the video accumulates nearly 380,000 reproductions and more than a thousand comments. The text that accompanies the recording highlights the importance of "working on cleaning, but also inspiring lasting change and working locally" to generate better consumer behavior "and" a better waste management ""

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