Santos will reveal the unpublished details of the peace agreement with FARC | Colombia


Documents that have been preserved by the security of the process will be revealed next week in an act chaired by the outgoing president.

The information will be posted in the Peace Process Library with the FARC, an initiative of the Colombian State that will be carried out through the Office of the High Commissioner for the Peace of the Presidency of the Republic

As stipulated, the delivery of the reports will consist of 10 volumes where the details, documents, speeches, minutes and most important photographs of the agreement will be attested, of which delegations jealously guarded in order not to affect the course of the discussions held in Havana (Cuba).

Read also: Uribismo and liberals would start with the Presidencies of Congress [19659004] Volumes which aim to focus all decisions of the agreement, will have topics hint at the beginning of conversations, the installation of tables, the political participation of members of the guerrilla group, the solution to combat the drug problem, the measures confidence and non-repetition of criminal acts up to social processes in neighborhood areas where ex-combatants were concentrated.

The installation of this library will take place from July 25 and will be performed, in the Teatro Colón is the same place where the final peace agreement was signed and will end on August 3 in the town of Villavicencio.

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