Save 80 children who spent months trapped in containers by human smugglers


A total of 80 children aged 13 and 17 were found by security forces in a suburb of eastern Khartoum in 19459004 Sudan after 1945, after being abused for months, locked up in Containers A head of the Sudanese Ministry of Social Welfare told the Efe agency that the victims were found in West Nile region and had been tortured, and sexually during his captivity, which was between three and nine months depending on the case.

The state security attorney, Muatasim Abdalá explained that the boys had psychological after-effects and physical injuries after being abused, tortured and held in containers for so long and in urgent need of psychological and social assistance. The teenagers have been transferred to a shelter in Khartoum, while the police are looking for traffickers of people who abducted them.

On May 8, the Sudanese authorities arrested a gang of traffickers in the state of Khartoum. Qadarif in the eastern part of the country near the border with Ethiopia, and released 231 people who were in the hands of criminals.

Sudan a country of origin and also of transit in the traditional way of traffickers, who take migrants from third African countries such as Eritrea to coastal states [19659005] Libya ] first, from where they try to cross the sea Mediterranean to Europe.

(EFE Information)

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