Selection of Egypt: Jorge Luis Pinto revealed conversations with the president of said association


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The speculations placed the Colombian coach, Jorge Luis Pinto, in the orbit of the Egyptian Football Association which seeks to replace the space left by the. Argentine Héctor Cúper . [19659004] تشكيل لجنة من مجدي عبد الغني وعصام عبد الفتاح وحازم إمام لدراسة موقف المدير الفني للمنتخب من بين 4 هم: لويس بينتو وكيكي فلوريس وخافايير أجيري ووحيد خاليلوزيتش والموافقة على إقام الجمعية العمومية للكاف في شرم الشيخ 30 سبتمبر وتحديد 8 سبتمبر لمباراة مصر والنيجر

– (@EFA) July 24, 2018

The early elimination of groups from Egypt in the 2018 Russia World Cup accelerated the departure of Cúper at the head of the selection or African and that is why the directors announced – by Twitter – the four candidates who mix: Quique Sanchez Flores, Javier Aguirre, Vahid Halilhodzic and Jorge Luis Pinto.

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The "Coffee" through its official account of Twitter acknowledged to be in talks to become the strategist of the "Pharaohs"

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"It is true that I have met the President of the Egyptian Football Federation in Moscow, we are in talks to see the It is true that I met the President of the Egyptian Football Federation in Moscow, we are in talks to see the possibility of 39, be the coach of the national team Egypt

– Jorge Luis Pinto A. (@JorgeLPintoA) July 25, 2018

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