Sentenced to 40 years in prison to the mother who killed her son with fists because he wetted the bed


– Katrina Shangreaux, 30, murdered her two-year-old son in July 2016
– She pleaded guilty to second degree murder in March 2018 and was sentenced on July 17

] A mother of South Dakota who beat his son to death after the child wet the bed and "twisted his eyes" was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Katrina Shangreaux, 30, pleaded guilty to second degree murder in plea of ​​guilty in March 2018, after pleading not guilty to first degree murder. According to the report of the Rapid City Journal, this Tuesday, July 17, he was sentenced.

According to information on the news site, the young mother admitted to hitting her two-year-old son Kylen with a belt. He acknowledged that he had thrown him to the ground and hit him in the stomach when he arrived home on July 28, 2016 and that he had noticed that the boy had wet the bed.

In the written statement quoted by the media, Shangreaux stated that he had drunk a lot and was taking painkillers before the attack.

See also: Family members talk about the woman who killed her partner's son

She also indicated that she was even more angry after the boy "Twisted her eyes" "Angie". This is the name of the paternal aunt of the minor, Angie Shangreaux, who had custody until a tribal court returned her to her mother.

Deputy Attorney General Sarah Collins told the court at the time of the decision that Shangreaux had caused minor brain haemorrhages. He also said that the boy had cigarette burns on his head and that his genitals were horribly mutilated.

The Rapid City Journal reports that even though the sentencing guidelines for Shangreaux suggested 27 to 33 years, Chief Justice Jeffrey L Viken increased the sentence because the crime was "particularly egregious" . He described Kylen's death as "horrible, depraved, torturing [y] humiliating" and emphasized that the child would never have been able to defend himself.

According to information portal information, after killing the minor, Shangreaux cleaned the blood and stool of Kylen with the help of his mother, Sonya Dubray. When he finally called 911, he told the operator that his son had drowned himself with apple juice.

See also: Mother accused of stabbing her two-year-old baby

Dubray pleaded not guilty for obstructing the investigation. She will face a lawsuit in November.

A Facebook page created by Kylen's aunt, Angie, to promote the case and fight for a life sentence for Shangreaux, reacts to the sentence by posting the message: "My poor baby."

Previously, she wrote on the wall of the page: "All I know is that it should not have happened. It could have been avoided if someone had listened and did his job. "

The father of the late Kylen is serving a federal prison sentence for abuse and neglect of a child with a different woman.

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