Sergio Galliani will present his first book "The Memories of My Dead House" [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


Away from television, the actor Sergio Galliani passionate about books, engages his foray into the world of letters with his first novel, "The memories of my dead house" edited by Grupo Editorial Caja Negra

This will be the first literary work of Galliani and will represent an autobiography, a meeting with the first steps of the actor. The work will tell its triumphs, its disappointments and evoke those who have promoted its development since its inception, until the people it knew and do not accompany it anymore.

Moreover, in the work, Sergio Galliani describes his early years in Barranco, where he was born, his experience at the military college Leoncio Prado, his ascension in the career of 39, actor in theater, film and television, the birth of his son Nicola, as well as other milestones

"The time has come to pay homage to my dead (…) I pay tribute to life and death, because they are inseparable and one does not live without the other, "he said Sergio Galliani ]

& # 39 The memory of my dead house & # 39; will be presented at the International Book Fair of Lima, edition 2018, Sunday, July 29 at 18h, in the hall José María Arguedas After the presentation of the novel, the author will sign his books to the public.

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