Series A draws the 2018-19 calendar season with Juventus Cristiano Ronaldo


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The Serie A has another color thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo. And that means that the draw of the 2018-19 season generates more expectations than ever and even more before the possibility of knowing who will start the crack of Luso with the jersey of Juventus

. The series A 2018-19 will take place this Thursday, July 26 from 6:00. (Peruvian time), the same one that you can follow for and set the schedule for a Calcio that will begin on August 19th.

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One of the big novelties of the series to for this season will be the introduction of 39, a match day on December 26, a holiday in Italy, and it will be such a thing at the "Boxing Day" of the Premier League

It should be noted that the Series A will begin one day after the close of its transfer market and end on May 26.

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The Juventus of Cristiano Ronaldo is the Great candidate to win the Serie A and thus achieve an unprecedented consecutive hectocampeonato in Italy, however, Inter Milan, Napoli and Roma run as their title contenders.


The A Series 2018-19 provides for the introduction of a match a day to play Monday, just like the Premier League

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