Seven foods that help you control your cholesterol


Cholesterol is a blood lipid that we all need for our body to function properly. This is due, among other things, to intervenes in important processes. Among them, it is a precursor of vitamin D, some hormones and bile salts that help digest fats.

What makes the difference, it is the type of protein that you join. HDL (high density lipoprotein cholesterol) goes from organs to the liver where they are destroyed. While low density lipoproteins (LDL) do the reverse in the blood, not only are they not destroyed, but they can accumulate and can be dangerous. It is important to maintain this cholesterol at adequate levels and for that, there are foods that can help us.


Fish is one of the most important sources of omega 3. This food offers us a good amount of long chain polyunsaturated acids. These helps to improve our blood pressure in addition to reducing the risk of developing blood clots.

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Among the most recommended fish are river trout, mackerel, sardines, albacore tuna, herring or salmon. fish that have higher concentrations of omega 3. It is recommended to eat fish twice a week.


Chia seeds are one of the most omega 3 vegetables we offer, and help reduce triglycerides. They also have rich in antioxidants, vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.

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Another benefit that he offers is that They are rich in fiber, which helps our digestive tract to absorb cholesterol. This type of seed is very easy to integrate into our dishes because they have no flavor. Therefore, they are ideal to include in our desserts, breakfasts or milk drinks.

Dried fruits

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Some of the nuts that can help us maintain good cholesterol levels are nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios or almonds. These nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which helps reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease.

L & # 39; oats

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Oat contains soluble fiber that, in addition to preventing our digestive tract from absorbing cholesterol, can reduce low density protein. One of the most positive aspects of oats is that in itself contains a large amount of fiberbut it can be mixed with fruits that further increase this contribution.

Oatmeal offers many cooking possibilities, both in yogurt, porridge, desserts, pancakes and so on. It is about a simple and rich way to control our cholesterol by means of food.

Extra virgin olive oil

It's a high-calorie food, but it contains many properties. For starters, it comes from monounsaturated fats and contains omega 3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This helps reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levelsIn addition to maintaining adequate levels of HDL cholesterol.

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This type of oil is very easy to find in our country and can be used daily in the kitchen. Thanks to this food, besides, we will get other benefits such as the prevention of atherosclerosis and the prevention of bone loss among others.

The vegetables

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Legumes, like oats or fruits, contain a large amount of soluble fiber that helps reduce lipid absorption. Some research has shown that the consumption of legumes once a day can help reduce LDL levels up to 5%. It also helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Fruit consumption, in addition to providing large amounts of fiber, also provides stanols. This substance helps block the absorption of cholesterol. In addition, it appears that stanols do not affect HDL levels, which helps control "bad" cholesterol without affecting the "good" ones.

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That's because plant stanols they have a similar structure to cholesterolbut they can not be absorbed by our body. Because of this, stanols interfere with the absorption of cholesterol, which helps maintain controlled levels.

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