Shazam! appears in a big trailer and debuts in DC Universe | Comic Con 2018


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A big surprise took place this Saturday at Comic Con 2018 San Diego, after Warner Bros released the first trailer of Shazam! The superhero movie that will join the DC universe

The film will be performed by Zachary Levi and Asher Angel and will tell the story of Billy Batson, who enjoys the power of the gods.

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According to the comics, Batson becomes the most powerful mortal of the world by saying only one word: Shazam . You miss it Warner Bros. presents the official poster of "Aquaman & # 39; by Jason Momoa [FOTO]

The trailer also features Shazam's antagonist: Dr. Sivanna portrayed by Mark Strong


Shazam! is directed by David F. Sandberg and will be presented on April 5, 2019.

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