She is vegan, she "discovered" that mayonnaise has an egg and her reaction was amazing


A vegan girl liked one of her favorite dressings. But when she realized that she was not meeting the nutritional needs that she followed, her response was incredible

A person vegan in addition to not eating meat, does not consume any food of animal origin. But this young vegan had a huge disappointment when she learned that mayonnaise was carrying an egg. And the most incredible thing was his reaction, which became viral on social networks. He was an employee of a famous sandwich shop who told the story.

"I tell you that I work in Subway, yesterday a girl came and told me that I wanted a Veggie Delite." When I went to get bread, he asked me if I could change my gloves because it was vegan and that I had handled meat.I did it, no problem, perfectly reasonable request.I have took out the bread, I toasted her and I put all the vegetables that she asked for, I started to wrap her sandwich and she said, "Can you add some mayonnaise? "said Gabriel Caulfield-Bohlken on his Facebook account.] Vegan Salad: The classic emoji will no longer have an egg to" offend anyone "

" I looked at her, she was looking at me, I was catching mayonnaise, I was expecting a "hahaha" from her. But nothing has happened, "continues his story. When the employee specified that the mayonnaise was prepared with egg, she said that she was "stunned and silent".

The most impressive thing is that she said that she always asked for mayonnaise when she went there. "I felt so horrible, she stood there with a face of complete anguish and defeat, I had destroyed the world of this poor girl," said the young employee.

"She watched me, sighed, said" yes, I'll try "and left, and that's the story of how I taught a vegan that mayonnaise is, in fact, not vegan "concluded Gabriel. The same thing was a rage in the networks, shared more than 43,700 times.

So I work at Subway, yesterday I had a chick who came, she told me that she wanted Veggie Delight. As I went to get the …

Posted by Gabriel Caulfield-Bohlken on Thursday June 28, 2018

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