"She saved me life"


Since he married Silvia Núñez del Arco the life of Jaime Bayly has changed a lot. He does not like being alone or traveling alone. He discovered that he is bipolar and medicated. The writer considers her as his savior.

"Silvia 's saved my life, I was very depressed, I took so many hypnotics and anxiolytics, I wanted to leave, I' ve I was fed up with everything and suddenly she came to save me and taught me some form of family happiness that I did not know, child or adult, "he told the magazine" Things ".

Bayly considers his wife to be "the most courageous person I know". At a more intimate level, he describes her as the best lover he's ever had. "Everything is possible with her, there are no secrets, and because she does not deplore my homosexual sensibility or that she tries to change or repress it, on the contrary, she love it, encourage it, and that's why we are together. "


Silvia Núñez del Arco will be presented on July 27 at Lima International Book Fair ( ] FIL Lima 2018 ) with his new book "Nunca seremos normal", where he will tell his love story with the author of "Do not tell anyone".

"For me much of the book talks about my mother's process, it took me a long time to learn to be a mother, to be a woman," says the young writer to "Cosas".

She recalls meeting Jaime Bayly who was 24 years old when she asked him to read her first novel. They started talking and he was always nice. "And no, there was never a link that was not that of a writer with an aspiring writer," he said.

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