Small plane lands on South Lake Shore Drive in traffic after flying over a pedestrian bridge, injured person


The pilot of a small aircraft flew under a bridge and landed in traffic heading for South Lake Shore Drive in the middle of the afternoon on Friday, landing a landing. emergency without injuring himself or hurting anyone, including his passenger. 3800 South Lake Shore Drive a little past 3:15 pm, after telling the air traffic controllers that he could not get to Midway Airport and be directed to the ground where he could, according to officials at a press conference on the premises. The man piloting the small plane landed on the southbound side of the road after experiencing some kind of mechanical problem, and neither he nor his passenger were injured, said Larry Merritt, spokesman of the Chicago Fire Department. The man "landed on the edge of Lake Shore Drive as if you were parking your car in front of your house," said Merritt

"He flew under the bridge on foot at the 35th and landed on the Ake Shore Drive heading south, "said the Assistant Deputy Minister of Fire. Bill Vogt, at the press conference

The pilot of a "Ercoupe aircraft 415-D, a single-engine fixed-wing aircraft, reports an emergency situation to air traffic control and lands on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, "said Elizabeth Isham Cory, a spokeswoman for the Chicago office of the Federal Aviation Administration, in an email. "The starting point and the intended destination are always determined."

The two men were in the air when the current began to falter and air traffic control ordered the pilot to land on Lake Shore, according to a police statement.

Photos tweeted by the fire department showed people were talking to firefighters next to a small blue and yellow single propeller plane

The FAA and perhaps the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate, said Cory. Three lanes were reopened for traffic to cross South Lake Shore Drive beginning at 4:45 pm, officials said. The plane was to be driven by a private company hired by the pilot in the early evening, the authorities said.

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