Spanish Patricia Aguilar saved in the jungle: Family members still can not see her | Society


The father of Patricia Aguilar (18 years old), a Spanish citizen rescued from a sect in Satipo, has not yet had contact with her daughter or granddaughter, aged 15 years. only one month

"She came without knowing if she could recover a girl and at the moment I have two .The price is double," said Alberto Aguilar, who arrived in June to speed up the search for his daughter, whom he last saw in January 2017.

YOU CAN SEE: Patricia Aguilar lived in a dirty shack, peel and sell coffee

Aguilar will find Patricia, 19 years old and who has a baby one month old, depending on "how is the medical and psychological process in which she is immersed." However, she fears that she does not want this meeting because "he was taught to see the family as a devil".

However, Aguilar hopes that little by little he will will open the relationship between them: "Very good, trustworthy, loving" said the father, according to Europa Press. The Ministry of Women is responsible for the healing of the Spanish girl.

When she was saved at Satipo, Patricia was found with a month-old baby, which the police thought had had with the guru of The Gnostic Sect, Felix Steve Manrique Gómez who called himself "The Prince".

"The delivery, they say, was done in the same field with the help of the other two victims and an elderly woman, midwife, who is a neighbor and came to help. …) Apparently, that's fine, she is very pretty and everyone is in love with her, "said Alberto Aguilar.

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