Sport Boys vs. UTC: Jefferson Collazos scored a goal with a strange definition and celebrated with a Colombian jersey [VIDEO] | decentralized


UTC of Cajamarca 1-1 with Sport Boys in Callao by date 7 of Opening Tournament . The purpose of the visit was done by the Colombian Jefferson Collazos with a striking definition. Did you want to hit the ball like that?

It arrived at 72 minutes. The attacker was ahead of his marker to connect the center from the right. He manages to touch the ball with the tail. He only achieves conquest when he turns and looks at the ball at the bottom of the net.

But that did not stop there. Jefferson Collazos received a jersey from the Colombian national team and showed it in his celebration, in order to pay tribute to his country on Friday, the day of his independence.

UTC seemed to have all 3 points in his pocket. Above, played with one more in the second half by ejection of the steering wheel Sidney Faiffer. However, in a defensive forgetfulness, Johnnier Montaño offered a draw to the Sport Boys.

With this result, the & # 39; Misilera & # 39; climbed to 10th place in the Apertura table with 7 points. Meanwhile, the "Gavilan del Norte" climbed to fifth place with 10 units. Of course, lost the opportunity to reach the first place.

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